
Singapore- A third of workers expect to change jobs within six months 

A third, or 31%, of workers in Singapore plan to change employers within six months with 40% already on the hunt for a new job, according to the latest Salary Guide from Hays.

The research also showed that nearly half of all candidates surveyed in Singapore plan to change employers within the year and 43% are currently open to an offer.

"Salary and benefits remain a key driver for job hunters, but we are seeing candidates place greater value on non-financial benefits too," Lynne Roeder, Managing Director of Hays in Singapore, said.

"A total of 59% of candidates told us that 'salary and benefits' was the top reason for accepting a new role, but this is a drop on our previous survey when 71% of respondents cited this reason," Roeder said. "A 'desire to seek new challenges' was the second most common reason (48%) followed by 'career progression' (46%)."

"In a continuing trend, career development remains important to candidates but 24% say there is no scope for 'career progression' with their current employer and 34% are unsure about what's available. This makes the case for employers to communicate career pathway options more clearly as well as what responsibilities lie with employees themselves," Roeder said.

Hays' guide also covered salary expectations in 2018, showing that of the candidates surveyed, 54% said they are unhappy with their 'compensation & benefits' package while 46% are happy.

This year, 36% of respondents expect a pay rise of more than 6%. Another 30% expect an increase from between 3 to 6% and 23% expect an increase of up to 3% and 11% expect no salary increase over the coming year.

This year, 49% of employers plan to award increases of between 3 to 6% while another 32% expect to increase salaries by up to 3% only.



Hays驻新加坡的董事总经理Lynne Roeder提到,"薪酬和福利一直以来都是求职者的主要驱动力,然而现在,求职者更看重一些非金钱的利益。59%的求职者提到,更好的'薪酬和福利'是跳槽的首要原因,这个数字较之前我们曾进行过一次调查来讲,下降了12%。'挑战自我'是第二个最的常见跳槽原因(48%),再次是"职业发展"(46%)。" 

报道中还涵盖了新加坡2018年员工的预期薪资,受访人士中,有54%的人对自己现在的薪酬表示不满意,46%的人表示满意。2018年,36%的受访者期待加薪幅度将超过6%, 30%的受访者期待增幅在3%至6%之间,23%的受访者认为未来一年的薪资涨幅不会超过3%,11%的人认为不会加薪。受访的49%的雇主计划将加薪幅度从3%提高到6%,而另外32%的雇主则希望加薪幅度为3%。






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