
SoundCloud Shedding 173 Staffers

SoundCloud is shedding 173 staffers -- or about 40% of its workforce -- the digital music service announced this week. In addition, "The company's operations will be consolidated at its headquarters in Berlin and another office in New York," Bloomberg reports. Regarding the decision, Alex Ljung, the company's co-founder and CEO, said: "We need to ensure our path to long-term, independent success."

SoundCloud在本周公布的数字音乐服务中宣布裁员173名员工--约占员工总数的40%左右。此外,彭博社报道,公司将对柏林总部和纽约另一个办事处的业务进行合并。 关于这一决定,该公司的联合创始人兼首席执行官Alex Ljung表示:"我们需要确保我们走在一条能够长期且独立的成功之路上。"




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