
Some Apple Park Employees Said to Be Dissatisfied With Open Office Design

During a new episode of The Talk Show on Daring Fireball, John Gruber touched on the topic of the open floor plans that Apple has implemented within its new campus, Apple Park. Unlike office spaces at One Infinite Loop and other Apple-owned buildings -- which give most employees their own office -- Apple Park sports a large open floor plan with long tables for programmers, engineers, and other employees to work at.

Apple Park's open office spaces have been highlighted in numerous profiles on the campus, most recently by The Wall Street Journal in July, and now Gruber has reported that he's received emails from numerous Apple employees who are particularly dissatisfied with the design (via Silicon Valley Business Journal).

One source is said to have been with the company for 18 years. They emailed Gruber, telling him that they're working on something that is "going to blow people's minds when we ship," but before that happens their team is transitioning to Apple Park. Gruber noted that the email was very level-headed and had a "perfect Apple sensibility," but the source nevertheless said that if they don't like the Apple Park workspaces, they're likely to leave the company after the product ships.

Gruber said he got a "couple of similar emails," with employees stating that they won't outright quit before they move to Apple Park, but if it's as bad as they think it's going to be then they will consider leaving Apple. During the podcast, Gruber and special guest Glenn Fleishman pointed out numerous disadvantages to an open work space, particularly for coders and programmers who aren't used to a lot of foot traffic and noise in their vicinity while they work.

Gruber went on to mention Apple vice president Johny Srouji as one of the employees dissatisfied with the Apple Park office spaces. Srouji was allegedly so against the changes that Apple "built his team their own building" outside of the main spaceship building.

在一个脱口秀中,John Gruber谈到苹果公司在Apple Park实施的开放式平面图计划。与One Infinite Loop和其他苹果拥有的建筑物的办公空间不同--Apple Park为程序员,工程师和其他员工设计了一个大型的开放式办公场所,并提供长桌子。


其中有一名在苹果干了18年的资深员工通过电子邮件向Gruber发电子邮件,告诉他他们正在开发一些令人震撼的产品,但在此之前,他们的团队需要迁往Apple Park。 Gruber指出,这封电子邮件叙述的很冷静,并具有"完美的苹果感觉",但是消息来源却表示,如果他们不喜欢Apple Park工作区,很可能会在产品发货后离开公司。

Gruber表示,他收到了"几封类似的电子邮件",员工表示,他们在搬到苹果园之前不会彻底放弃,但如果他们觉得这样感觉糟糕,那么他们会考虑离开苹果公司。在播客期间,Gruber和特邀嘉宾Glenn Fleishman指出,一个开放的工作空间有许多缺点,特别是对于编程人员和程序员而言,他们在工作时不习惯周围有着大量的交通和噪音。

Gruber接着提到了苹果副总裁Johny Srouji,他也是不满苹果公园办公空间的员工之一。据称,Srouji反对苹果公司"将他领导的团队放置在核心区域之外"。




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