
x-Google HR Chief launches fish-inspired start-up

The former Head of HR at Google has launched his own secretive recruitment start-up, Humu.

Named after the humuhumunukunukuapua fish, a species native to Hawaii, the start-up is so far shrouded in mystery, The Drum reports.

A cryptic LinkedIn post from former HR Chief Lazlo Bock announced that he would be co-Founding the company with Wayne Crosby, ex-Director of engineering at Google.  

The post read: "We spend our lives looking for that special someone. We find them. Maybe we start a family. The most precious people on the planet for each of us. The people with whom we've chosen to spend our lives. The people to whom we dedicate our hearts and souls.

"Then we spend almost 8 times as much of our precious hours at work. Even worse, for too many people, work is just a means to an end… That's why Wayne Crosby and I have started humu. Our mission is to make work better everywhere through science, machine learning, and a little bit of love."

From this post, and other rumours, people are assuming that humu will be a recruitment-focused firm, either in regards to solutions or software.


    The Drum报道称,这个以夏威夷本土鱼类Humuhumunukunukuapua鱼命名的初创公司,至今依然笼罩在神秘之中。

    前人力资源总监Lazlo Bock的一封私人的领帖文宣布他将与谷歌前工程总监Wayne Crosby共同创办公司。


    "我们在工作中花费的时间是我们人生中黄金时间的8倍。更糟糕的是,对于太多的人来说,下班只是意味着相似的又一天的结束...这就是Wayne Crosby和我要创办Humu的原因。我们的使命是通过科学技术,机械运用和一点点爱,使各地的工作变得更好。"





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