
10 most common UK bad boss traits

Glassdoor's modus operandi - anonymous reviewing - provides the perfect platform for honesty. So, when they release data on what irritates UK employees the most about their boss, it's best to sit up and listen.

On average, senior management is given a three out of five; company's, on average, are awarded 3.3 out of five. This suggests that UK workers currently enjoy their companies more than their managers. But what is it that management isn't doing right? Glassdoor set out to discover this.

They asked: how would you typically react to an annoying boss?

Two-fifths try to ignore an annoying boss, while 18% resort to gossip. 12% would confront the situation and five per cent would proactively try to get them fired.

A few consequences of boss' bad behaviour have been: not going into work (41%: 46% of women compared to 34% of men); resigning (21%); taking sick leave (20%); and going AWOL (two per cent). Women and more likely than men (15% compared to 13%) to request a transfer.

English bosses have the highest level of inappropriate humour and make the largest proportion of sexist remarks. Welsh bosses are the laziest, according to their employees, and their Scottish contemporaries were the most negative.

David Whitby, UK Country Manager at Glassdoor, commented on the findings: "The saying 'you don't leave your company, you leave your manager' still holds true today. The good news is that you can become a better manager if you are willing to be self-reflective and open to feedback.

"Very few are born with the innate ability to become a natural leader, so, just like any other skill, it must be honed to help you get to where you want to be."

Glassdoor also found out what habits the worst managers have.

10 most common bad boss traits for the UK

1. Disrespectful (43%)

2. Negative attitude (34%)

3. Lazy (23%)

4. Always talking about himself/herself (16%)

5. Inappropriate humour (ten per cent)

6. Comes in late (ten per cent)

7. Leaves early (ten per cent)

8. Swearing (eight per cent)

9. Loud phone calls (eight per cent)

10. Sexist comments (seven per cent)


高级管理人员给出的平均分是3分,而全公司职员给出的平均分是3.3分。这表明普通雇员目前比管理层更喜欢他们的公司。但管理层是不是正确的呢? Glassdoor开始探索这一点。





Glassdoor的驻英国业务经理David Whitby评论说:"你不是离开你的公司而是离开你的经理这个说法仍然是正确的。好的一面是,如果这些经理愿意自我反思并开放反馈,就可以成为更好的经理。"




1. 缺乏尊重(43%)

2. 态度负面(34%)

3. 懒惰(23%)

4. 只考虑自己(16%)

5. 不合时宜的幽默(10%)

6. 迟到(10%)

7. 早退(10%)

8. 发誓(8%)

9. 电话大声(8%)

10. 性别歧视(7%)




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