杰艾资讯丨杰艾集团收购Grupo Norte,巩固其在西班牙的业务



由Stefano Colli-Lanzi领导的杰艾集团最新收购了西班牙的一家公司Grupo Norte,该公司拥有四大品牌,实力强大。此次收购重申了杰艾集团的国际战略,是对之前进军美国市场的再次延伸。

The Group, led by Stefano Colli-Lanzi, has acquired a company in Spain, where it already has a strong presence with four brands. The acquisition reaffirms the Group's international strategy, which recently saw it enter the US market.



7月30日,来自米兰的最新消息:杰艾集团,意大利最大的跨国人力资源集团,也是欧洲排名前六的人力资源公司之一,完成了对Grupo Norte的收购。Grupo Norte是西班牙的一家公司,专业从事临时和长期人员招聘雇佣及培训服务,在当地市场已有40多年的从业经验。

Milan, 07/30/2020 - GI Group, Italy's largest HR multinational and one of the top 6 staffing companies in Europe, has concluded the acquisition of Grupo Norte, a Spanish company specializing in temporary and permanent staffing and training with over 40 years' experience in the local market.




Thanks to this acquisition, GI Group becomes one of the top 7 companies in the Spain and enhances its presence in this market, reaching areas like Asturias and the Basque Country.


杰艾集团于2008年进入西班牙设立分支,并通过集团下的四大品牌:Gi Group、Wyser、Gi BPO和Tack TMI开展相关业务,2019年在该地区的的营业额达到 1.3亿欧元。

The Group, which launched in Spain in 2008, has reached this agreement as part of a phase of substantial growth in the country, where it already operates through 4 brands - GI Group, Wyser, GI BPO, and Tack TMI

- recording turnover in 2019 of € 130 million.


Grupo Norte成立于1972年,是西班牙顶级的职业介绍公司之一。多年来,它已成为一家专门提供多种人力资源服务的公司,如今它拥有大约1700个商业客户,2019年的营业额约为7000万欧元。

Founded in 1972, Grupo Norte was one of Spain's top employment agencies. Over the years, it became a company that specializes in providing a number of HR services, and today it has around 1700 business customers and its turnover in 2019 was around € 70 million.



杰艾集团首席执行官Stefano Colli-Lanzi表示:"这项收购是在我们进入美国市场几天后进行的,有助于改善我们在西班牙的市场定位并提高竞争力。西班牙市场对我们在强化作为人力资源行业全球参与者的角色方面非常重要,并且符合我们实现发展战略的中期目标,即到2023年营业额达到60亿欧元。"

Stefano Colli-Lanzi, GI Group's CEO, said, "This acquisition comes a few days after our launch into the US market. It allows us to improve our positioning and be more competitive in Spain, a country that is very important to us in terms of strengthening our role as a global player in the HR services sector, and is in line with our medium-term objective of reaching € 6 billion in turnover by 2023."



This objective remains largely unaffected by the pandemic and, today, the Group is totally focused on managing the recovery phase.


此次交易是在疫情造成经济冲击后,西班牙经济正试图恢复的时候完成的;更重要的是,我们相信像Gi Group这样的人力资源公司能够真正推动复苏,并通过人才寻访与甄选、培训、外包和职业转型支持等服务来响应候选人和企业的需求。

The transaction was completed at a time when the Spanish economy is trying to recover after the economic shock caused by the pandemic; all the more reason why we believe that an employment company like GI Group can give that recovery real impetus, responding to the needs of candidates and businesses through services like search and selection, training, outsourcing and career transition support.



Founded in 1998, GI Group began its internationalization strategy in 2007. Today, it operates directly in 29 countries and in 57 others through partnerships.



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