
NewZealand - Online job vacancies up in December

Online job vacancies in New Zealand were up0.7% in December when compared to the previous month according to the AllVacancies Index from Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

The All Vacancies Index uses data from fourNew Zealand job boards: the SEEK, Trade Me Jobs, Education Gazette and KiwiHealth Jobs.

Year-on-year data showed a 7.6% increase inDecember for online job ads.

When broken down by industry groups, onlinejob vacancies increased in six out of eight industry groups, on amonth-to-month basis. The largest increase was for the hospitality and tourismindustry (up 2.2%). The biggest fall was for the information technologyindustry (down 1.5%).

Vacancies increased in seven out of eightoccupation groups, month-to-month. The largest increases were for labourers (up2.7%) and machinery drivers (up 2.1%).

Vacancies increased in all five skilllevels, compared to last month. The largest increases were for unskilled (up2.0%) and semi-skilled (up 1.5%) occupations.

By region, vacancies increased in eight outof ten regions over the month, with the biggest increases in Bay of Plenty (up3.1%) and Nelson/Tasman/Marlborough/West Coast (up 2.1%).

据调查,2017年12月份新西兰的在线职位空缺较2016年同期相比增长了0.7%。这些职位空缺指数来源于新西兰4个求职网站:SEEK、Trade Me Jobs、Education Gazette 、 Kiwi Health Jobs。



按地区划分,在新西兰十个区域中有八个区域的职位空缺指数增加,增幅最大的是Bay of Plenty ,达到了3.1%,而Nelson、Tasman、Marlborough、West Coast 的增幅也都高于 2.1%。





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