
Is Google's new HR producta game changer?

Synchronised systems have gone from being anice-to-have to a must-have right now, with HR departments rushing to maketheir systems work together for the benefit of business and for employees.

Luckily, Google has recently launched a new venture,an applicant-tracking tool built to work with G Suite applications like Gmailand Google Calendar.

Hire by Google, is available to companies with 1,000or fewer employees, and is a tool which they claim will help to streamlinebusiness recruitment strategies.

In a post announcing Hire's official launch lastmonth, Google says: 'Hire and G Suite are made to work well together so recruitingteam members can focus on their top priorities instead of wasting timecopy-pasting across tools.'

Nate Dame, an SEO Consultant and CEO at Propecta,explains in Marketing Land how the new venture is stirring up noise in the HRSaaS (software as a service) industry as it could be the next competitor. 

But how does it work?

Dame writes that it's the first time the internetplatform has targeted a B2B or business SaaS technology category with its ownsoftware offering and the ability to monetise on it.

As hiring is transactional and represents a lot ofdata, Google will also retain their ad customers by providing conversion datato build more detailed user profiles that can be used to sell more targetedadvertising and serve more personalised ads.



幸运的是,谷歌最近推出了一个新计划,一个建立在与G Suite应用程序(如Gmail Google日历)合作的应用程序跟踪工具。



PropectaSEO顾问兼首席执行官 Nate DameMarketing Land中解释了该工具是如何在人力资源SaaS(软件服务)行业激发回响,因为它可能是下一个竞争对手。


Dame写道,这是互联网平台首次针对B2B或商务 SaaS技术类别提供自己的软件产品和货币化的能力。




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